Hello Again...

Yes, it has been quite a long time since my last post! We have been very busy around here with our homeschooling and Etsy shop, especially through the months of November and December! Life is a fun whirlwind as always, and we are forced to hang on for dear life and try to enjoy the ride! I have set myself a not unreasonable goal of posting here 1-4 times a month. I am aiming for once a week, but we will see how that goes! ;-) In the meantime, here's a little bit about what my littles have been up to over these past few months of our absence...

Now 6 year old Evan has a newly cultivated love of the Star Wars movies, and his life revolves quite strongly around this. He spends quite a lot of his time, when not working on school work and "play work," fighting with his soft, toy light sabers, creating projects involved with Star Wars characters and and looking through his books. He loves to page through his character encyclopedia and a Lego Star Wars sticker book he received as gifts. We also practice reading and letter sounds with his Star Wars phonics books. But what he loves best is light saber fighting with sisters and Dad, er I mean "exercising!!" ;-)

Above is Zoie Vader, joining in the fun! She is hard at work finding her place in the world, as she should be at 3 and a half. She is definitely the most laid back and happy-go-lucky of the kiddos, but she has her moments, and then there is no stopping or reasoning with this one! Lol! :-) These days her favorite things in the world to do are paint, draw, dance, sing and unfortunately, watch TV. This mommy spends most days trying to strike a delicate balance between allowing small amounts of educational tv, which do have their place (Especially when I'm cooking dinner!) and fueling the obsession because the more she gets, the more she wants! :-/ I'm sure I'm alone in this, right?? ;-) This same girl, however, spends most of her time as this adorable, and sweet girl you see below. I absolutely adore these pictures! <3 <3 <3

Last but not least, my sweet, not so much a baby anymore, Izze now 19 months. She seems so grown up to me and is literally speaking in sentences! She already has a strong personality and is quite a character. She loves animals, especially dogs and farm animals, and she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to read! Like her sister, she is quite happy by nature, but not nearly as easy going - she knows what she wants, and you'd better watch out if she doesn't get it! She is the only real tantrum thrower that we have! :-) Luckily at this point they are still funny, and usually only as a result of her being tired or hungry... She also may or may not actually BE part puppy, as you can see from the photos below that were an adorable part of a recent photo session. Not quite right for product listings, but too cute not to show off... Here she is - Puppy Izze! ;-)

Hope, I mean PROMISE, to see you again quite soon! As always, I would love to hear from you! Thoughts, questions, comments, or just a quick Hello! :-)


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